I'm not sure I have mention Lars Lovgren, a Swedish friend of mine who has been drag racing /sprinting 100cc bikes for many years and was the Swedish champion in the past. He has the same engine as me and is sharing nuggets of tuning advice, and i recently visiting him to watch Ice drag racing on a frozen lake.
Whilst there, he sold me at a very fair price a virtually new Translogic gear change system, as i have never been totally happy with the Kliktronic one, and to be fair it is quite old.
This uses a very high torque stepper motor and gearbox,(They recommend mounting it on 5mm thick steel due to the torque exerted), to effect the gearchange.
I have now set this up and the motion is both powerful and positive and just needs a little fine tuning but is a much better engineered system ( Its £1200 vs the Kliktronic at £800 and much more modern technology, the Kliktronic has been around for 20+ years and served the community well.).
This has been a nagging doubt area that i can now hopefully cross off once we get to runway testing again.